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Writing a Memo


Prices: Assessments+



5 hours

Age range: 4+

What's included?


A comprehensive assessment covering a combination of:

* A measure of Verbal and Nonverbal ability, resulting in an overall IQ score

* Assessment of Literacy, including reading, comprehension (reading and listening), oral fluency, spelling, written expression and more

* Assessment of Mathematics, including reasoning, fluency, applications and more

* Assessment of Visual Perception & Motor Coordination, including visualisation, spatial scanning and more

* Complete report, including a breakdown of results and what they mean

* Current profile of your child alongside brief recommendations for appropriate next steps

* Phone and email contact to discuss the report in more detail if desired



3 hours

Age range: 3+, depending on focus area

What's included?


An indepth, detailed assessment of ONE of the below focus areas. This could be:

* Assessment of English, including reading (silent and aloud), comprehension (reading and listening), oral fluency & expression, spelling, written expression, phonological processing, writing fluency, decoding fluency and more

* Assessment of Mathematics, including digit naming, fluency, concepts, applications, computation, calculation, reasoning and more

*Assessment of IQ, including language development, lexical knowledge, sequential reasoning, working memory, learning ability, memory span, visual processing, fluid reasoning and more

* Assessment of Visual Perception & Motor Coordination, including visualisation, visual memory, spatial scanning, spatial relations, perceptual speed and more.

* Complete report, including a breakdown of results and what they mean

* Current profile of your child alongside brief recommendations for appropriate next steps

* Phone and email contact to discuss the report in more detail if desired



2 - 2.5 hours

Age range: 3-7

* An in-depth measure of Visual Processing, Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Storage and Retrieval, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Ability, resulting in an overall IQ score

*Assessment of Visual Processing & Motor Coordination, including visualisation, perceptual speed, spatial relations and more

* Assessment of Development, including fine motor and gross motor abilities

* Aimed primarily at children aged between 3 and 7 

* The Early Years Profile can screen for early signs of high learning potential

*The Early Years Profile can also screen for early signs of learning difficulties

* The report can help guide school application choices and aid in early conversations with a school about appropriate accommodations in the classroom

* Complete report, including a breakdown of results and what they mean

* Current profile of your child alongside brief recommendations for appropriate next steps

* Phone and email contact to discuss the report in more detail if desired


£165 for one report
£255 for both reports

What's included?


* An additional report for those who have undertaken either a Comprehensive Profile or an Individual Focussed Literacy and/or Mathematics Profile

* Personalised recommendations for parents, tutor and/or school to follow, such as suitable book series, spelling areas to focus on, specific curriculum to follow, equipment, activities, techniques and more

* These recommendations will help to enrich and stretch areas of strength, and bridge the gap in any areas of weakness identified through the assessment process

* All reports are bespoke and written from scratch, so parents can request any area they would like the report to cover or focus on


£165 (with substantial discounts available depending on numbers)

1 hour

Age range: Year 9+

This is only available to students where I have a working relationship with a school. This can be established after requesting an assessment if necessary. 


I work with a number of secondary schools across Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas.

The fee includes the following:

* Travel costs to schools within Hertfordshire, North London, Bedfordshire and Essex, subject to minimum numbers

* The assessment, including all materials

* My completion of Part 2 of Form 8

* A brief results' summary for each candidate 

* Year-round advice for the entire EAA process, from identifying a need and gathering teacher evidence, through to assessment and applying online

* Annual update of the changes in JCQ regulations




30 minutes


* Navigating school, potential SEND and Exam Access Arrangements can be confusing. 
* For parents, I can offer advice on reasonable school provisions, the Exam Access Arrangement process and support at home.

* For schools, I can advise on how to best help support your students in class.

* I can also advise across the entire EAA process, from gaining initial teacher feedback and identifying a need, through to assessments, applying online and more complicated queries.

* As an experienced assessor, I offer mentoring for other assessors. This can include, but is not limited to, test familiarisation, scoring help, drawing conclusions as well as a comprehensive overview of the EAA process and latest guidelines.

* Schools may opt to pay an annual advisory fee of £200 to receive unlimited advice all year round.

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