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I am an accredited member of the British Psychological Society RQTU, a qualified teacher and hold the CPT3A qualification. I have been working with young people for over 20 years in a variety of settings, including primary, secondary, state, private, international, home education and private tutoring. I have worked with children at both extremes of the academic spectrum, and during this time I have come to realise just how different and unique every child is, and how important it is to know a child's individualy strengths and weaknesses in order to truly help them succeed.


Sarah Mansfield Assessments is intended to provide a service to parents, and subsequently teachers and tutors, detailing exactly what these individual strengths and weaknesses are, and how best to support a young person in their future academics. 


Whether you feel your child is falling behind and not being offered enough support, or whether you believe they have more potential than they are currently able to demonstrate within the confines of the classroom, an assessment can help gain an understanding of a young person's strengths and weaknesses, leading to better provision for your child as they move through their learning.

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